Toolkit for principled humanitarian action: Managing counterterrorism risks

Toolkit for principled humanitarian action.




An updated version of the toolkit was published in 2024 and can be found here.

This toolkit is designed to raise awareness of counterterrorism-related risks so that organisations can identify and mitigate these, and to make risk management approaches accessible to a broad range of staff who can use them in their day to day work. 

This toolkit is developed for use by a wide variety of staff in headquarters and field locations, ranging from those responsible for programme implementation or partnerships with donors, to those with operational, risk management or policy responsibilities. The toolkit has three objectives:

  • To provide an overview of current counterterrorism measures and their potential impact on principled humanitarian action.
  • To highlight counterterrorism-related risks that humanitarian organisations may need to manage and mitigate, and to provide a collation of some risk management practices employed in the sector.

To encourage organisations to mainstream consideration of counterterrorism-related risks throughout the project management cycle.