Table of contents

1.  Introduction to the toolkit

Risk categories and operational impacts

2. Counterterrorism measures & principled humanitarian action

What is terrorism?

Where do counterterrorism measures come from?

International level
– UN Security Council
– Info box: What is a humanitarian exemption?
– Financial Action Task Force
– Info box: FATF and bank derisking

Regional level

Domestic level
– Case study: UK Counterterrorism and Border Security Act
– Info box: Host country counterterrorism measures
– Info box: Impact of counterterrorism measures on CVA

Counterterrorism measures and principled humanitarian action: what are the risks?

Risk categories and operational impacts
– Case study: Risks related to indirect support to a DTG

3.  Counterterrorism clauses & partnerships agreements

Where are counterterrorism clauses found?

Understanding counterterrorism clauses

Processes for understanding and addressing counterterrorism clauses
– Info box: NPA v USA
– Info box: Vetting and screening
– Case study: Advocacy and principled partnership conditions

4. Counterterrorism & risk management frameworks

What is risk management?

Why use a risk management framework?

What are the components of a risk management framework?

1.   Identification
2.  Assessment
– Info box: Risk mitigation and programme criticality
3.  Monitoring
4.  Reporting
– Info box: Three lines of defence model
– Info box: Sanctions compliance programmes

Internal controls and risk management

Developing a counterterrorism policy
Developing an NSAG engagement policy
Due diligence
Human resources policies
Anti-diversion policies
M&E frameworks
PCM and counterterrorism risks

5.  Resources


Risk library

Acronyms and key terms