This report presents the main results of an evaluation of five core competencies of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Norwegian Capacity (NORCAP) commissioned by NORAD.

In addition to the main report, three additional case country reports and a public expenditure tracking survey (PETS) report contain further information gathered by the evaluation team.

The objectives of the evaluation were to;

i) assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of five of NRC’s core activities in three countries (Somalia, South Sudan and Pakistan);

ii) assess the quality of NORCAP responses (relevance and efficiency);

iii) assess the existence of synergies between NRC and NORCAP activities; iv) provide scope for learning at different levels and;

v) make recommendations regarding a) making WASH a new core competence; b) improvements in design and implementation of NRC core activities and; c) improvements in NORCAP’s competencies.

The evaluation was carried out between July 2012 and January 2013, with field work in the three case countries in September – November 2012. This is a strategically important evaluation for NRC due to its broad coverage of our programmes and the audience being our largest donor.

Generally, the report reflects very well on NRC, with the overall conclusion being that NRC delivers relevant programmes to people in need, and the finding that NRC is a professional organisation able to delver according to commitments in challenging contexts. NRC agrees with the vast majority of findings and recommendations in the report however the findings generated limited learning for the organisation.