The Israeli West Bank wall is a separation barrier in the West Bank or along the Green Line. Israel considers it a security barrier against terrorism, while Palestinians call it a racial segregation wall. Photo: Roald Høvring/NRC

5 reasons why Trump’s peace plan is not a good idea

Roald Høvring|Published 30. Jan 2020
The Trump administration’s Middle East proposal will not resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and undermines chances for a just and lasting peace.

# 1: The United States and the international community have long held that only direct negotiations between the two sides can provide a path to a just and permanent resolution.

# 2: The U.S. peace plan reverses decades of policy by proposing a solution through coercion. The plan disenfranchises Palestinians, exacerbates their humanitarian needs, entrenches violations of their rights, denies their hopes for genuine statehood and self-determination.

# 3: A principled peace plan would ensure the viability of a contiguous Palestinian state and would afford a durable solution for millions of Palestine refugees.

# 4: U.S. recognition of Israel’s attempts to annex territory would constitute a breach of international law. The law obligates states not to recognise, aid or assist Israel’s international wrongful acts.

# 5: The international community must act decisively to safeguard the territorial integrity of occupied Palestinian land and the rights of the Palestinians. Only then will we move toward a durable peace for both peoples that is grounded in international law.

Palestinian street artists are using the Israeli West Bank wall in Bethlehem as their canvas. Photo: Roald Høvring/NRC