
Youth wellbeing in displacement: case study research and NRC global framework

Published 12. Apr 2021
This paper offers a global framework for youth wellbeing in displacement, capturing the multi-dimensional and complex nature of the concept. It presents three case studies that use the framework to explore youth wellbeing in context, which can provide a starting point for individuals and organisations to examine youth wellbeing in their specific context.

In the context of humanitarian response, a conceptual framework for youth wellbeing in displacement has been lacking across both academic and programmatic literature.

From December 2019 - May 2020, NRC commissioned research to develop a global framework for youth wellbeing in displacement. The research consisted of an academic and programmatic desk review, global and field level expert interviews, young peoples’ parents and participatory consultations with youth in Nigeria, Jordan and Syria.

The framework’s primary purpose is to provide a foundational understanding of the concept of youth wellbeing in displacement and is intended to be relevant and useful for NRC programming that serves youth in displacement globally.

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