Pursuing compensation for properties damaged or destroyed as a result of hostilities in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine: gaps and opportunities

Published 15. Jan 2019
In April 2018, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine entered its fifth year. Continued fighting in both Luhansk and Donetsk regions, including the use of heavy weapons near populated areas, has led to extensive conflict-related damage to private residences on both sides of the contact line.

At the same time, Ukrainian legal system appears to be not responsive to the circumstances of damage incurred as a result of hostilities and, accordingly, does not provide for an effective remedy for the affected population.

The study “Pursuing compensation for properties damaged or destroyed as a result of hostilities in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine: gaps and opportunities”, based on the desk review of the national court practice in Ukraine, outlines the main legal obstacles on the way of realisation of housing, land and property rights of the conflict-affected population, in particular regarding their claims on restitution/compensation for the damaged or destroyed property.
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