
Durable solutions in Somalia: Case study

Published 05. May 2020
As climate- and conflict-induced displacement continue across Somalia, the country has also experienced an increasing in-flow of people returning to Somalia from refugee settlements in neighbouring countries.

By 2018, over 73,000 Somali refugees had been repatriated from Kenya’s Dadaab since 2014 – formerly the world’s largest refugee camp in Kenya’s north-eastern province. Those who return face significant barriers to reintegration; many cannot access their place of origin and are forced to settle in new areas with few resources, lack of secure land tenure, limited livelihood options and a lack of secure shelter.

With support from DFID, the Norwegian Refugee Council has sought to facilitate opportunities for returning communities to identify suitable housing options, obtain secure access to land and to contract local labour for construction. The attached case study details how the project worked, in which ways it was modified during the course of implementation and how it has served to support durable solutions for people affected by protracted displacement.

Download the case study below: