75 years helping people forced to flee - The Norwegian Refugee Council 1946-2021

Published 13. Oct 2021
For 75 years, the Norwegian Refugee Council has been the extended arm of the Norwegian people in our work for the world’s displaced people.

After World War Two, Europe lay in ruins. Millions of people had been displaced from their homes. Norwegians mobilised a large-scale fundraising effort, channelled through Europahjelpen (“Aid to Europe”) – the predecessor of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). For 75 years, we have been the extended arm of the Norwegian people in our work for the world’s displaced people.

We are proud of our origins and what our organisation has accomplished and have recorded our history in the book "75 years for people forced to flee. The Norwegian Refugee Council 1946-2021". The book documents important moments in NRC’s history and the road we have travelled from post-World War II fundraiser to the organisation NRC is today, with 15,000 aid workers assisting nearly 12 million people across the globe.

Download the book as a PDF here: