The following recommendations were made:
As NRC plans to implement the YEP light approach in conjunction with the traditional model, its pedagogical effectiveness must be considered. A more structured approach must be in place to guarantee youth have adequate and sufficiently sequential time with tools, materials and teachers.
In implementing YEP light, if its purpose is not merely to increase skills of youth who are already engaged in the market, consider adapting it to facilitate entry of youth into work; particularly as its original design was primarily for protection and not reinsertion. Given the high number of youth and the high costs of providing tool kits, consider the approach of Lushebere that opened a small shop where youth learn in the market and gradually make an income.
If local partners and government bodies such as the Ministry of Youth are unable to guarantee a free center for youth, perhaps an alternative model or approach to training youth should be considered in these contexts – unlike the case of Beni.
Consider ways to increase the level of practical skills youth gain at the center. The pedagogical effectiveness of the skills training at the YEP center should be studied, compared to traditional apprenticeships so as to evaluate in which scenario youth would learn a vocation more effectively.
Consider some alternative models that can tackle the problem of sustainability, better equip youth with practical skills and allow them to meet their needs. One example has been suggested throughout the study: create self-sustaining shops where youth learn in the morning and advanced youth practice in the afternoon for an income, or vice versa.
Consider partnership with stakeholders engaged in development projects that could assist in creation of employment for NRC-trained youth.
Consider how to create a community environment that is conducive for youth. Perhaps this could be done by finding local partners who can help advocate with the community on the importance of integrating youth and not discriminating based on associations with armed groups.
If feasible, consider implementing information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool to better monitor the working groups.
Consider tracking the 35% of former YEP students who were not successfully re-inserted in Kitutu so as to be able to better understand how effective YEP has been, to get an overview of what these youth are currently doing and how they could have been better supported.