IDMC’s strategy on displacement by disasters related to natural hazards covered an initial three year period from 2011-2013. With the strategy period over, and a new strategy being developed for all of IDMC’s work, this evaluation was commissioned in order to assess the effectiveness, relevance, results and lessons learned from IDMC’s disasters work. The evaluation uses three key areas of work to anchor its findings; the Global Estimates reports; work focused on Kenya and the Philippines; and partnerships/external collaboration.
A summary of the recommendations are presented below:
a) continue to invest in work on disaster displacement as an institutional priority in the next strategy period, if IDMC is to continue to be seen as an important reference point for disaster-related displacement work.
b) ensure its development, through increasing both new and existing resource allocation to this area of work, maintaining in-house specialist expertise, and developing additional skillsets in a multi-disciplinary team.
c) invest further in complementary quantitative and qualitative methodological developments and in external partnerships, including to address gaps on protracted displacement, slow-onset disasters, and integrated analysis of displacement in complex and multi-causal contexts.
IDMC will develop a management response to the evaluation to ensure that recommendations are prioritised and followed up.