
DRC Cash and Vouchers Food Security Evaluation (2014)

Published 15. Jul 2014
The purpose of this evaluation was to provide DG ECHO with robust evidence about the results of their emergency food assistance (C&V pilot) to inform learning and decision making for their future food security programme in DRC


On behalf of ECHO, NRC commissioned an external evaluation of ECHO’s Emergency Food Security programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The programme has been operating since November 2011 and funds NRC, AVSI and IRC to deliver emergency food security, using a Cash and Voucher (C&V) approach. The food security intervention is expected to complement the RRMP programme which targets households with non-food items (NFI).

Purpose of the Evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation was to provide DG ECHO with robust evidence about the results of their emergency food assistance (C&V pilot) to inform learning and decision making for their future food security programme in DRC. The primary focus of the evaluation was on the ECHO emergency food assistance (C&V pilot) and its complementarity to the RRMP (NFI). The evaluation also looked at the cash and voucher approaches of ECHO’s three implementing partners in Eastern DRC over a 10 months period.


Overall the ECHO-funded cash-based food assistance was a very appropriate and effective response, with a commendable degree of flexibility. The evaluation makes some important recommendations to further strengthen the programme such cash and voucher specific improvements, improved targeting processes, establish common indicators and standardised monitoring tools,