Embark on an extraordinary journey: Lost in the woods, Miskit, a young stoat, forges an unlikely friendship with a fox, a snail, and some lost humans. Together, they set off on a journey of self-discovery and bravery, learning to find meaning in life’s challenges and fears.
About the book
'The Journey of Miskit: The Brave Stoat' is a universal tale of hope and resilience that resonates with all children, everywhere. Drawing inspiration from the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Better Learning Programme, this heartfelt tale provides comfort and understanding to displaced children, aiding them in navigating life’s adversities.
It stands as a valuable resource for educators and parents around the globe, fostering important conversations about empathy, resilience, and mental wellbeing among children.
Purchase your copy of 'The Journey of Miskit: The Brave Stoat' here
About the author
Karl Schembri is a media adviser with the Norwegian Refugee Council, a role that has taken him to some of the frontlines of humanitarian crises in the Middle East and East Africa.
A former journalist and accomplished author, Karl brings his extensive experience and heartfelt compassion to the pages of 'The Journey of Miskit: The Brave Stoat.'
About the illustrator
Ana-Maria Cosma's illustrations bring the world of Miskit to vibrant life. An illustrator and painter with a background in architecture, Ana’s artwork beautifully combines various mediums, from watercolour to digital drawing.
Her illustrated books have been published in the USA, Australia, and Europe, captivating readers with her unique and heartfelt style.
Make a difference with each purchase
Every copy sold contributes directly to the Better Learning Programme, aiding in the mission to support children who have experienced the trauma of displacement.
Your purchase is more than just a book; it's a step towards making a meaningful impact on the lives of displaced children around the world.
A book for every child
'The Journey of Miskit: The Brave Stoat' is for every child who has ever felt lost, faced fears, and found unexpected friendships along the way. It’s a story that transcends borders, bringing children from all walks of life together in the shared experience of adventure, growth, and discovery.