Neglected crises

10 things YOU can do for the world’s refugees

When we turn our backs on humanitarian crises, it has major and devastating consequences. More people are forced to flee their homes, families are split, and entire communities and countries fall apart. If more of us become engaged, we can change this.

Every June, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) launches its list of the ten most neglected crises in the world. The list is based on three criteria: lack of financial support for humanitarian aid work, low media coverage, and political and diplomatic neglect.

YOU are part of the solution

Although the situation is extremely precarious, it is possible to deal with these crises – they are not insoluble problems. But then we must be willing to take them seriously.

Not too many years ago, there were just a handful of researchers and activists warning about climate change and its consequences. Now we know that everyone has a responsibility and that we can do something to reverse the negative trend. We will never be able to say that “we didn’t know…”.

How we solve these displacement crises today says everything about the kind of society we want to have and preserve. Look at how one voice is making a big difference to the discussion on climate change: Greta Thunberg, a 17-year-old Swedish girl, has managed to turn the whole world’s eyes to the crisis. Your attention and your voice matter!

We must act

Clearly, refugee crises require political solutions. But they also require personal actions. We must start thinking and acting differently. If you are a manager, hire refugees. If you end up in discussions, challenge myths and prejudices about refugees when friends and family members repeat them. When there are parliamentary elections, vote for politicians who want to put into practice solutions that can solve the crises. If you have money to spare, donate to humanitarian aid organisations that can make a difference.

Here are 10 simple things YOU can do to help refugees:


Cut down on coffee
Donate the price of one cup of coffee each week – and cut down on caffeine at the same time!


Raise awareness
Talk to your friends and family to create awareness about humanitarian issues.


Speak up!
Join the debate. Share your opinion, take part in discussions and challenge myths and prejudices about refugees.


Support a relief organisation
For example, you can make a donation to the Norwegian Refugee Council via our website.


Hold an online fundraising event
Online events are a great way of raising funds and awareness, and perfect for when face-to-face events are impractical. Virtual concerts, auctions and sports challenges have all been tried to great effect during the coronavirus pandemic.


Be creative in the workplace
Do you work in retail or hospitality? Or perhaps you're a business owner? Introduce a new product and give a percentage of each purchase to a humanitarian organisation.


Get social!
Share relevant information on your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. Please tag us when you share!

norwegianrefugeecouncil   @nrc_norway   @NRC_Norway


Explore the world
Although physical travel can be restricted, the possibilities for digital “travel” are expanding all the time. Attend webinars, watch documentaries online, read local newspapers and become a “digital tourist”! You can even take a virtual tour of a refugee camp and experience for yourself what it’s like to be displaced.


Learn more about humanitarian crises
NRC is not alone in helping displaced people. Follow other humanitarian organisations on social media and share their posts too.