Ukraine: Multiple air strikes cost lives and halt aid

Published 10. Oct 2022
Statement by Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) following this morning’s multiple air strikes in Ukraine:

“We are shocked by the reports from our aid workers on the ground about the attacks across Ukraine, including in Kyiv, Lviv, Ternopil and Dnipro. Thousands of civilians were on their way to work and school when the attacks took place, leading to injuries and loss of life. Civilian and critical infrastructure have been damaged, disrupting communications, water and electricity supply in several areas. Yet again, ordinary people are paying the highest price for this war. Parties to the conflict should need no reminder that civilians and civilian infrastructure should never be a target.

“NRC has staff and operations in several of the cities targeted this morning and we have halted operations until it is safe to resume. We cannot aid vulnerable communities when our aid workers are hiding from a barrage of bombs and in fear of repeated attacks. Protecting civilians from harm and being able to reach them safely with humanitarian aid is our primary concern. This must be facilitated and prioritised by all parties to the conflict.”

Notes to editors:

  • NRC has halted operations in Ukraine until the situation stabilizes and it is safe to resume. NRC is not pulling out of Ukraine.

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