Reaction to UN’s updated Covid-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan

Published 07. May 2020
The UN’s updated Covid-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan, which launched today, calls for US $6.7 billion. Responding to the appeal, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland said:

“Hundreds of billions of dollars and euros have been raised to rescue economies in industrialised nations. Yet two months into the pandemic we are still scraping the barrel for additional resources to help the world’s most vulnerable people.

Millions of refugees continue to be told to wash hands without soap or water, and keep safe distances in still over-cramped camps. Too many of our 15,000 field workers are still waiting for better tools and more funding to help the millions of displaced we serve. 

Donors using centralized and indirect funding mechanisms should also fund organizations on the ground directly. That is the fastest way to get help to those that already have their lives devastated by the effects of the pandemic. Too many have received no help at all.

The Norwegian Refugee Council launched our own Covid-19 appeal today, calling for US$100 million to implement aid programs and protect 4.5 million people from the pandemic and its effects across 33 countries. Our appeal is fully coordinated with and part of the UN’s updated Covid-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan.”