Miamona fled to Gara Amou, where she and eight other women are sleeping in a building, where one of the people from the host community has been generous to let them stay. 


"I spent four months from I fled Bambari to I arrived here in Amou.
I did not eat and I had no shoes – until I arrived to Amou.
During Ramadan I was not even eating. I was just walking. Until I arrived in Amou.
I fled the war and I walked for four months through the bush. 
I heared the sound of weapons. That was why I fled into the bush. 
The war. It was between the muslim groups and the army. 
Due to this war, people die,
we are in the bush and I have suffered too much. 
We fled together with the others. I went with my family. 
We marched in lines all the way to Amou. 
I was afraid. I was afraid."

"Because people were killed. 

Even if I had nothing, since I arrived here in Amou, I have eaten well.  
When I went out without shoes, there was a kind person who even gave me her shoes. 
Even these clothes. It was she who gave them to me. 
It is that lady who helped me.
I have a better life in Amou. My life is better. 
I cannot leave. I want to stay. 
Even during Ramadan we were not eating. 
It is the hunger which is tiring. The hunger killed one person. He had nothing to eat.
We have no clothes, and no shoes. Look at my feet. 
I fled to get here. Look at me. I suffered too much in the bush. 
I fled ex-Seleka – because of the killings. I could not wait, or they would have killed me. 
When I hear these armed groups talk, I cannot support it. It is why I fled. 
When I heard the battles, I fled into the bush.
I walked in the bush in the rain. 
Sometime we only had a piece of clothes to cover us from the rain. 
I slept on the ground.  Everybody were in the bush and we slept on the ground. 
When you see that. It is not just one person. And in the bush we ate the fruits from the trees. 
When I came to Amou – I felt good. 
It is the person who hosts me who has given me everything. They have given me food and sometimes she invites me to come to the field.  
Sometimes I have nothing to eat. It is difficult. I have no money. 
For the future, I hope to have a house of my own, because here I live with a host family. 
In the bush there were too much suffering. 
Those who still are there should come here. For there is peace here. 
As a mother, it is difficult. I have no clothes, no shoes and no food to give to my children.  
When you see your children having nothing to eat, it is really sad. 
If we have peace, everyone can get out of the bush to be together with each other. "

Between the end of 2016 and the end of 2017 more than 2000 people from the Peuhl community have come to Gara Amou outside Sibut, where they are living in peace with the mostly Christian host community. Many are newly displaced from areas around Kaga Bandoro and Batangafo. NRC's emergency assistance team has distributed hygiene kits and kitchen utensils to the newly displaced people in the village, some returnees and members of the host community. Photo: NRC/Tiril Skarstein
"I fled the war and I walked for four months through the bush," says Miamona from the Central African Republic (CAR). During the last year, a surge in violence and brutal attacks on civilians in the country has forced an increasing number of people to flee their homes. Photo: Tiril Skarstein/NRC

More humanitarian funding needed than ever before

Sofie Kallehauge|Published 05. Dec 2017
Next year, 135.7 million people will need humanitarian assistance. The UN has announced its funding appeal for 2018, the largest in history.

The Global Humanitarian Overview of 2018 is ambitious. It sets out a plan to address the needs of 91 million of these people in 26 countries – at the price of USD 22.5 billion.

Although humanitarian agencies are becoming more efficient when delivering aid, this is the highest ever consolidated humanitarian appeal. It surpasses last year’s appeal by USD 300 million, partly because of the increased operational costs in highly volatile and insecure environments.

“The surge in needs necessitating this humanitarian appeal should serve as a wake-up call to governments,” says James Munn, director of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Geneva.

“We have seen no limit to indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and we have seen people die of human-made famines this year. This humanitarian appeal shows that in 2018, world leaders will have to decisively step up their efforts to prevent the human cost of both conflicts and disasters.”

NRC attended the launch of the Global Humanitarian Overview 2018, presented by Mark Lowcock, Emergency Relief Coordinator and head of OCHA. A panel discussion followed featuring Lowcock, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, CEO of Save the Children International, and Mohamed Beavogui, Director-General of African Risk Capacity.

Why the ask is so high

The humanitarian forecast for 2018 is grim. Conflict will continue to be the main driver of humanitarian emergencies but disasters are also expected to be a major cause, especially because of an increased risk of earthquakes.

Needs are expected to go up across northern Africa and the Great Lakes region. Our colleagues working in these countries report terrible conditions. In drought-stricken Somalia, camps are overfilled with people barely surviving in flimsy shelters. In the Central African Republic, a surge in violence and brutal attacks on civilians during the last year has forced an increasing number of people to flee their homes.

The situation will remain dire in Nigeria, South Sudan, the Syria region and Yemen – the world’s most severe humanitarian crisis, which is rapidly growing darker.

“The violence will bring a whole nation to its knees,” an NRC colleague in Yemen recently said. “In just a few days, facilities have been closed and medical personnel have been forced to flee for safety, leaving the sick and injured even more vulnerable.”

The role of aid agencies

The Global Humanitarian Overview of 2018 is ambitious, but it’s still not enough. This plan would reach just three out of five people who need help worldwide. With humanitarian needs ever on the rise and a large funding gap growing, agencies must be even more efficient in 2018.

Efficiency is key. The panellists underlined that in 2018, humanitarian agencies must live up to the commitments made in the Grand Bargain – an agreement between major donors, UN agencies and some NGOs aiming to respond better to people’s needs by improving the way we work together and increase efficiency in humanitarian financing.

“The faster the response is, the better it is and the less expensive it is,” the Emergency Relief Coordinator said. "We can do this, for instance, by leveraging insurance mechanisms to secure timely funding for humanitarian crises."

Acknowledging the urgency of working with local actors in crisis, OCHA announced that the Country Based Pooled Funds will be enlarged in 2018, as will the Central Emergency Response Fund. This will bring more immediate funding for life-saving humanitarian action in emergencies and for underfunded crises.

Munn, as the head of NRC’s Geneva office, reminded humanitarian actors and donors of their shared commitments within the Grand Bargain agreement: “As humanitarians, it is our job to assist and protect people in need, but we need governments to help us – not only by providing sufficient funding, but by working together to improve efficiency.”