By joining NORCAP @Work the user agrees to:
- Comply with the NRC Code of Conduct, NRC Social Media Guidelines and NORCAP Photo Guide.
- NRC legally owning all content uploaded to NORCAP @Work, and unless copyright protected, will offer NORCAP @Work content for reuse by other NORCAP @Work users under the Creative Commons conditions CC By 4.0.
- Not upload any copyright restricted content without having the IP rights to this content.
- Behave in a professional, open and collaborative manner and to only post contributions to the groups where these are relevant.
- Not to share any information on NORCAP @Work, which may potentially place anyone in, harms way, such as specific activity locations or travel plans in high-risk areas.
- Not share confidential information.
Failure to comply with the above conditions may result in expulsion from the NORCAP @Work platform.