Capacity Building

Published 20. Dec 2016|Updated 04. Mar 2022
NORDEM provides trainings to help our experts to prepare for international assignments.

Our courses are based upon practical experiences and lessons learned and also provide a basic theoretical introduction to relevant international standards. NORDEM trainers are international experts with relevant field and training experience.

NORDEM Training in International Applied Human Rights Work

The aim of this course is for the participants to gain basic knowledge about the legal and political framework on human rights and to provide the tools and skills necessary to integrate and promote human rights into their work.

NORDEM Training Courses in Election Observation

The aim of these trainings is to prepare participants for international election observation. The courses cover many aspects of election observation, including the structure, mandate and workings of election observation missions, international electoral standards, short term and long term observation and election observation in context.

NORDEM Specialised Trainings

NORDEM develops course outlines and conducts specific trainings on request. Such trainings have for example been held for members of the Norwegian Parliament.

External trainings

A number of online trainings are either mandatory or recommended for different types of NORDEM assignments.  All NORDEM and NRC deployee are obliged to undertake the UNDSS Bsafe training. The certificates are valid for three years after completion. In addition we recommend all members of the roster to participate in first aid trainings.

NORDEM Competency Development Policy

In order to enhance the capacity of personnel already on mission and meet training needs that are not covered by NORDEM' own trainings, NORDEM facilitates participation in specialised trainings offered by other institutions. NORDEM's Competency Development Policy aims to provide members currently on long term assignments with opportunities to strengthen their professional capacities by supporting and subsidizing their participation in relevant external training. Secondees are encouraged to seek information about courses that are relevant to their current position. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding courses and trainings.