Photo: Zaynab Mayladan/NRC

NRC in Lebanon

Lebanon remains the country hosting the largest number of refugees per capita. NRC supports people affected by displacement living in Lebanon and advocates for their rights inside the country, regionally and internationally.

A total of


people in need received our assistance in 2023.


Humanitarian overview

Lebanon remains the country hosting the largest number of refugees per capita: an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees and an estimated 257,000 Palestinian refugees. Lebanon continues to be affected by a colossal economic crisis and an uncertain political atmosphere. In the last three years the currency has lost more than 95 per cent of its value. Over half of the Lebanese population is currently living below the national poverty line. For Syrian refugees, the figure is even higher, with nine out of ten refugee families currently living in extreme poverty. Community tensions are at an all-time high.

The Lebanese government has become very explicit in its position that the return of refugees to Syria should be prioritised given its own unprecedented crisis.

Since 7 October 2023, there has been an active exchange of fire between Israel and Lebanon. Some 95 per cent of the shelling is within 10km of the border, leading to the displacement of 90,000 people and affecting 60,000 who are said to be remaining in these areas.


  • 18,041
    people benefited from our education programme in 2023
  • 9,278
    people benefited from our food security programme
  • 33,512
    people benefited from our shelter programme
  • 124,344
    people benefited from our ICLA programme
  • 118,899
    people benefited from our WASH programme


NRC's operation

NRC supports people affected by displacement and the local host communities, and wants to be a strong voice for the protection and rights of the refugees, navigating a tense operating environment.

NRC emphasises partnering with local authorities and developing relationships with central Ministries. At the community level, NRC operations favour a participatory approach and has a conflict-sensitive lens.

NRC is supporting Syrian and Palestinian refugees, vulnerable Lebanese citizens and migrants through the programmes listed below. 


NRC EducationEducation

We run programmes at our learning centres and support programming in Lebanese public schools. Our education activities include:

  • supporting access and transition to formal education through non-formal education programmes and school retention support
  • training teachers and enhancing their techniques
  • raising awareness of parents on the importance of education and their involvement in their children’s learning process
  • school rehabilitation


NRC Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)

NRC Lebanon’s legal protection programme aims to improve the access to rights and essential services for refugees, Lebanese citizens, migrant workers and other displaced people. NRC Lebanon has developed a digital platform (KoBLI) that facilitates the contact and information sharing with people who approach us. Our ICLA activities include:

  • supporting access to civil documentation, including the registration of life events, legal residency, housing land and property (HLP) rights and employment rights
  • conflict dispute resolution including in the context of housing disputes
  • legal assistance and representation for refugees through lawyers
  • due diligence, confirming property ownership or usage rights
  • training sessions to other stakeholders on legal topics
  • targeted legal advocacy and policy work


NRC Livelihoods and food securityLivelihoods and food security

Through this recently established sector of work for NRC Lebanon, we aim to:

  • integrate livelihoods and food security considerations across NRC’s other programmatic areas of focus
  • undertake a pilot project, in partnership with local actors, to actively involve vulnerable communities in the development of sustainable practices to build more local and resilient food and agricultural systems, improving food security, livelihood opportunities, income and wellbeing


NRC Shelter and settlementsShelter and settlements

NRC Lebanon’s shelter and settlement programme aims to facilitate access to safe, dignified and adequate housing for the most vulnerable, through both advocacy and programmes at the individual, household, community and policy level. Our shelter activities include: 

  • integrated housing and neighbourhood upgrades following a Settlement-Based Approach (SBA)
  • supporting municipalities in terms of disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management
  • emergency shelter interventions, including in response to extreme weather conditions
  • cash for rent assistance for vulnerable families
  • housing maintenance and upgrades in exchange for various rental schemes (rent-freeze, rent reduction, rent-free or occupancy free of charge)


NRC Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)

We work with communities and public service providers to expand water, sanitation and hygiene services for vulnerable population groups, including in Lebanese host communities. Our WASH activities include:

  • integrating adequate water, sanitation and hygiene facilities into our shelter interventions
  • water, wastewater and hygiene interventions in the tented settlements
  • piloting more sustainable water and wastewater solutions for vulnerable communities
  • supporting solid waste management at the municipality level


Emergency Response Unit

NRC Lebanon has the capacity to deploy emergency response after natural hazards or conflict. In 2023 in particular, NRC responded to the displacement after the inter-factional clashes in Ein El Helweh, the biggest Palestinian camps, and to the affected communities in areas near the hard-to-reach southern border and displaced in Beirut. Emergency activities include:

  • the provision of basic assistance (mattresses and blankets, kitchen sets, hygiene kits, food etc.), in cash or in kind
  • collective site improvement and preparedness and implementation of WASH activities



NRC’s youth programme supports both refugee and Lebanese youth with structured, quality learning opportunities to facilitate their transition to livelihoods, improve social engagement and facilitate advanced education. We prioritise youth who are not enrolled in any form of education, employment or training (NEET) since this group is particularly at risk of both labour market and social exclusion. Youth activities include:

  • competency-based technical and vocational training and life skills courses
  • accredited Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and online courses
  • stackable accredited language courses
  • recreational and social activities
  • post-graduation on-the-job training and youth-led community initiatives


About NRC in Lebanon

International staff
Areas of operation
Beirut, Mount Lebanon, South, North and Bekaa
National staff


Country Director

Maureen Philippon

To report any suspected, alleged or actual act of fraud, corruption, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation or abuse, and breaches of the Child Safeguarding Policy or Code of Conduct, related to or involving communities, contact the NRC Lebanon Community Helpline on 70 005 216 via:

  • WhatsApp at any time
  • Phone call or SMS text message from Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 3.30 pm.

You can also email, or use the comment boxes displayed in our centres by filling out and submitting the complaint form (available next to the boxes) or using your own template.

You can also use the Community Helpline to inquire about the services provided by NRC.

To inquire about our services, or to submit any complaint/feedback kindly find the following brochure.

لإستعلام عن خدماتنا أو لتقديم أي شكاوى أو ملاحظات الرجاء تصفح المنشورات التالية