A total of
people in need received our assistance in 2023.
Humanitarian overview
Uganda is a world leader in hosting refugees and asylum seekers with over 1.7 million, mainly from Sudan, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The country's progressive refugee policy gives refugees the right to work, move freely and access basic services such as education and healthcare, making Uganda a key player in regional humanitarian efforts. However, the challenges of supporting such a large population are immense and financial resources are scarce. Key challenges include:
- Overburdened infrastructure: Settlements in West Nile and western Uganda especially are stretched to the limit. Schools are overcrowded, health services inadequate, and water supplies dwindling.
- Food insecurity: With ration cuts, erratic weather, limited land, and a rising refugee population, shortages are severe.
- Climate change: The country is struggling with the negative effects of climate change, with erratic rainfall, landslides and droughts leading to crop failures, food shortages and further displacement.
- Education: Many refugee children have missed out on years of education. Schools are overcrowded and resources are scarce, threatening the future of thousands of displaced students.
- Protection: Refugees face threats of violence, exploitation and abuse. Women, children and marginalised groups are particularly vulnerable, and land disputes between refugees and host communities further fuel tension.
- Health and sanitation: Overcrowded settlements, poor sanitation, and limited healthcare exacerbate health issues, including malnutrition, waterborne and communicable diseases.
118,659people benefited from our education programme in 2023
23,458people benefited from our food security programme
752people benefited from our shelter programme
9,532people benefited from our protection programme
103,589people benefited from our ICLA programme
39,382people benefited from our WASH programme
2,810people benefited from other NRC activities
NRC's operation
NRC’s Uganda programme is delivered through two approaches:
- A multi-sectoral approach that includes education, protection from violence, livelihoods and food security (LFS), water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH), shelter, and information, counselling, and legal assistance (ICLA) which are delivered in line with safe and inclusive programming (SIP) standards and digital.
- A community-based approach which aids in the assessment and determination of the level of vulnerability for the participants. NRC in Uganda complements its programme with existing referral pathways established with other humanitarian actors to respond to the needs of the affected population in all the major refugee hosting districts including the urban areas.
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is dedicated to providing education for the most vulnerable children and youth affected by displacement, with a particular emphasis on girls and children with disabilities. We aim to enhance their transition to and retention in formal education systems, working closely with national authorities and collaborating with both national and international partners. Additionally, our education programmes address the challenges posed by climate change. Our initiatives include:
- providing language bridging programmes for new arrivals
- organising return-to-learning activities
- offering cash for education through the Accelerated Education Programme, covering access and scholastic materials
- conducting remedial and catch-up classes to support primary education for children and young adults
- providing vocational training for young adults to promote self-employment and diverse livelihood opportunities
- offering professional development support for teachers
- assisting with the construction and renovation of educational facilities
- enhancing the welfare of teachers in remote areas
- supplying school materials and multipurpose cash to overcome financial barriers to education
- delivering protection and psychosocial support services through the Better Learning Programme
- strengthening the capacity of local education authorities (such as School Management Committees and Parent-Teacher Associations) to lead the planning and prioritisation of school activities
Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)
Our ICLA services help refugees and vulnerable host communities to know, claim and exercise their rights. Our ICLA teams:
- provide counselling and legal assistance to refugees and host communities to obtain legal identity documentation (e.g. birth registration)
- support newly arrived asylum seekers and refugees obtain the required documentation
- help resolve housing, land and property disputes
- secure access to land for livelihood programming (e.g. block farming)
- provide cash for rent for vulnerable families at risk of eviction
- support individuals and groups register business and obtain required licenses
- provide legal assistance on employment matters
- lead on durable solutions in relation to local integration of refugees into their host communities and family reunification (complementary pathways)
Livelihoods and food security
The lack of post-primary school opportunities is a major challenge for refugees in Uganda. To help them earn a living, our livelihood and food security teams:
- implement a graduation model to graduate people from food insecurity and poverty to promote self-reliance
- facilitate communities to access agricultural inputs through a market-based approach
- offer vocational skills development for refugees and nationals to gain self-employment, as well as agriculture and entrepreneurship and/or enterprise development
- provide business support and cash grants to vulnerable youths and adults to increase their access to income-generating livelihood opportunities
- provide cash grants to refugees with specific needs, especially those with disabilities, single-headed households, and elderly people, to enable them to cover their basic needs upon arrival
Protection from violence
NRC supports people affected by displacement to enjoy their right to freedom from violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation across all phases of displacement. Our protection team:
- work on community engagement and awareness to change community attitudes and behaviours
- provide cash-based interventions (CBIs) to meet domestic needs for registered populations
- build the capacity of community-based structures to effectively deliver protection assistance and increase refugee participation
- strengthen the mobile protection desks in communities to enhance ease of access for services
- identify and review the existing referral pathways to ensure people with specific needs are support-ed with all relevant services
Shelter and settlements
We provide in-kind or cash support solutions to facilitate temporary, transitional or permanent shelter. Our shelter teams:
- provide cash for rent, cash for emergency shelter solutions, and emergency shelter materials for new arrivals
- construct emergency and semi-permanent shelters and latrines, especially for refugees with specific needs, like people with disabilities and the elderly
- provide, build and rehabilitate educational learning spaces and provide furniture
- construct emergency shelters for endemic response
Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)
Our WASH teams are responsible for providing access to clean water and improved hygiene and sanitation to displaced and host communities. Our WASH experts:
- enhance access to clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene to people in settlements, for urban are as and in learning and health institutions
- together with communities, establish and upscale WASH facilities for displaced individuals with a particular focus on renewable energy options
- provide permanent water solutions to refugees
- work with the government and local actors (e.g. KCCA) to extend WASH services to unserved areas with vulnerable and low-income communities
- actively engage and participate in advocacy on high-risk practices including on cholera, hepatitis and Covid-19 prevention