A total of
people in need received our assistance in 2023.
Humanitarian overview
The humanitarian crisis in South Sudan is worsening, driven by multiple crises including years of conflict, food insecurity, mass displacement, the climate crisis, economic turmoil and more. An estimated 9.4 million people need humanitarian assistance and protection services in 2023, some 76 per cent of the population. Two thirds are affected by the precarious food security situation. Many of the 2.3 million South Sudanese living in protracted displacement have been displaced multiple times and cannot return home. Communities lack access to basic services and dependency on humanitarian action remains high.
The conflict in Sudan continues to drive displacement into South Sudan with hundreds of thousands of new arrivals since April 2023. South Sudanese returnees are encouraged to go to their areas of origin, places that are equally vulnerable and lack basic services. Often they find their property has been destroyed by the civil war or is occupied. The impact of climate change is also a major driver of need, with large parts of Jonglei and Unity States vulnerable to flooding. Poor living conditions in flooded areas contribute to malnutrition, waterborne diseases and malaria. South Sudan also remains one of the most severe protection crises in the world, with high levels of gender-based violence and significant human rights violations across the country.
107,971people benefited from our education programme in 2023
328,688people benefited from our food security programme
126,215people benefited from our shelter programme
29,252people benefited from our protection programme
39,086people benefited from our ICLA programme
371,103people benefited from our WASH programme
110,062people benefited from other NRC activities
NRC's operation
Through our mobile emergency response capacity, we provide lifesaving multi-sectoral assistance to crisis-affected populations in hard-to-reach areas across South Sudan. In areas where we have established operations, we ensure that displacement-affected people are safe, can exercise their rights, access quality services and protection, and secure durable solutions.
To that end, we contribute to the safe and stable environment needed to allow for return and reintegration or integration of displaced communities. We do this through advocacy, coordination and collaboration, as well as integrated and multi-sectoral long-term interventions. Access constraints, like bureaucratic impediments and insecurity, continue to heavily affect the overall humanitarian operation and the ability to reach people in critical need.
Our education programme supports displacement-affected children and youth with access to quality, safe and inclusive learning opportunities relevant to their psychosocial, emotional, and cognitive development and needs. We provide:
- rapid education response in the first phase of an emergency because education is lifesaving and strengthens recovery and resilience
- ongoing support to schools and learners to ensure retention and progression through the formal education system, given the high number of out-of-school children in South Sudan
- non-formal education to support children and youth who missed education due to conflict and displacement, helping them to catch up with their peers and transition into the formal education system
- vocational training and life skills education for youth and linking to job opportunities
- scholastic materials, dignity kits and recreational activities to learners, teachers support, construction and furnishing of classrooms, and clean water, latrines and handwashing stations in schools
Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)
Our ICLA programmes enhance access to housing, land and property (HLP), legal civil documentation (LCD), and employment law and procedures (ELP):
- HLP activities contribute to improved security of tenure, particularly for women, prevent unlawful eviction, support the amicable resolution of HLP disputes through collaborative dispute resolution methods and work towards the realisation of durable solutions by supporting returnees as well as internally displaced persons to obtain accurate information and take steps to secure their HLP assets in the areas of return
- Through the LCD, obtaining nationality certificates and birth notifications and age assessments, communities have increased access to services such as education, health, and employment/livelihood opportunities
- Through the ELP response, access to employment and/or the labour market is supported through facilitating access to work and supporting business registration/formalisation
Livelihoods and food security
Our programmes improve access to food and boost livelihoods, business entrepreneurship, employment, and markets and financing through savings and load schemes. We:
- provide unconditional multipurpose cash assistance and emergency food supplies to meet immediate humanitarian needs
- support farmers and fisherfolk to boost livelihoods through trainings on agricultural production and fisheries, business skill training, and access to markets and financing
- promote community-led climate-smart agricultural practices such as fuel-efficient cooking stoves, drought-tolerant crop varieties, soil and water conservation practices, and innovative pilots such as lowland rice production in flood-prone areas
Protection from violence
Our programmes strengthen community self-protection and assist individuals at heightened risk of violence, harm, coercion and deprivation, with priority given to people with specific needs such as women, girls, people with disabilities, and the elderly. We:
- facilitate community-led protection risk assessments and provide capacity strengthening on civilian self-protection
- provide individual protection assistance and psychosocial first aid (people with specific needs will be referred to specialised services)
- support access to community centres, community dialogues and community-based protection mechanisms, including focal points, information dissemination and protection training
- systematic and regular collection and analysis of data to identify trends and patterns of violations of rights and protection risks for populations of concerns for the purpose of informing effective programming and advocacy
Shelter and settlements
Our shelter staff:
- provide emergency shelters and relief items to meet immediate humanitarian needs
- construct temporarily learning spaces (classrooms) under the Education in Emergencies programme
Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)
Our WASH projects provide displaced people with:
- emergency safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene to meet immediate humanitarian needs
- water systems and sanitation facilities at schools and communities, supporting communities with maintenance to ensure sustainability
- safe disposal of human waste
- prevention of water- and waste-related diseases through the adoption of safe and hygienic practices
Humanitarian coordination
NRC is recognised for its consistent efforts to strengthen coordination in South Sudan. NRC is a member of the NGO Forum Steering Committee and represents INGOs on the ICCG and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). In addition, NRC co-leads the Protection, WASH and Shelter/NFI clusters. Further, NRC is actively involved in the LFS cluster, Cash Working Group, the Durable Solutions Working Group and the Advisory Group on Solutions. In addition, NRC is the housing, land and property (HLP) rights Area of Responsibility Lead under the Protection cluster.