Lul Hassan, a 56-year-old mother of seven children in Dofil displacement camp, central Somalia. Photo: Abdulkadir Mohamed/NRC

NRC in Somalia

Somalia is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. As a result of severe drought and food shortages, millions of people are affected by displacement.


A total of


people in need received our assistance in 2023.


Humanitarian overview

Nearly three decades of conflict, insecurity, political instability, recurrent climatic shocks, and economic strain, have led to severe humanitarian crises. The situation is exacerbated by conflict, drought, and climate change, with the number of people in need steadily increasing. Currently, almost 7 million people across the country require humanitarian assistance. The effect of the historic El Niño floods during the 2023 Deyr season have impacted over 2.5 million people.

In 2023, Somalia faced the worst drought in decades, followed by widespread floods within just a few months, creating immense pressure on the population. Despite some improvements, the humanitarian situation remains dire, with almost one in five Somalis experiencing acute food insecurity.

Acute malnutrition continues to affect many regions, with an estimated 1.7 million children between 6 and 59 months likely to suffer from acute malnutrition throughout 2024. Of these, approximately 430,000 are expected to be severely malnourished. Limited access to healthcare, coupled with insufficient functional health facilities, heightens the risk of maternal and infant mortality and increases the prevalence of preventable diseases like cholera.

Funding levels for the humanitarian response in Somalia remain insufficient, leaving critical gaps in lifesaving assistance and preventing communities from receiving essential support.


  • 22,431
    people benefited from our education programme in 2023
  • 189,713
    people benefited from our food security programme
  • 150,978
    people benefited from our shelter programme
  • 55,067
    people benefited from our protection programme
  • 309,831
    people benefited from our ICLA programme
  • 273,611
    people benefited from our WASH programme
  • 835,983
    people benefited from other NRC activities


NRC's operation

We operate through four area offices across the country with our teams on the ground responding to the ever-increasing needs. We target those who have been forced to flee with our activities, which range from building shelters to tackling agricultural challenges, and from acquiring new skills to strengthening people’s resilience to future shocks. Our programmes and activities are rooted in community-based approaches and we are committed specifically to reaching hard-to-reach areas and advancing localisation efforts in Somalia.

Protection from violence

We work to protect those most at risk in Somalia and support communities’ right to freedom from violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation. Our teams: 

  • do first line response using protection desks in conflict affected and hard to reach areas
  • through protection and solutions monitoring Network (PSMN), together with our partners conduct monitoring, reporting of displacements and protection incidents
  • engage communities through awareness and sensitization on protection risks, threats and vulnerabilities
  • identify child protection and GBV related risks and refer to service providers
  • provision of individual protection assistance through cash transfer to individuals and households facing protection issues or at risk of facing protection concerns
  • monitor population movements including returns in specific locations such as transit sites, IDP settlements, border crossings, and temporary locations
  • identification, documentation and referral of protection related cases to service providers
  • issue flash alerts for massive displacement and hotspot areas affected by conflicts, droughts and floods
  • ensure a well-coordinated, effective and principled preparedness actions and responses, joint protection analysis for Protection Cluster at the National and Sub-national levels
  • refer protection cases to specialised services


NRC EducationEducation

We want all displaced Somali children and youth, as well as those in the communities that host them, to go to school. Our education teams:

  • provide formal and accelerated classes for children who have missed out on education to catch up with their peers, to ensure their transition into the formal school system
  • engage with young people through our youth education programme, which helps young adults find opportunities to create their own businesses and cooperatives
  • train teachers in teaching approaches in crisis contexts, child protection and psychosocial support
  • construct and rehabilitate temporary learning spaces and permanent classrooms, in coordination with our shelter teams
  • provide teaching and learning materials


NRC Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)

Many displaced people in Somalia are denied basic rights like land tenure. Our teams:

  • help Somali refugees to return safely
  • raise awareness about the rights of displaced people among local authorities and communities
  • provide information and legal counselling on housing, land and property rights to displaced Somalis and Somali refugees who have returned to the country
  • run an emergency hotline and call centre to provide immediate legal advice
  • assist displaced Somalis to secure land tenure
  • monitor evictions and provide tailored assistance to people affected by evictions


NRC Livelihoods and food securityLivelihoods and food security

Protracted conflict and political instability over decades have led to the displacement of people, the destruction of infrastructure, and the disruption of livelihoods and agricultural activities, resulting in increased food insecurity in Somalia. Our teams:

  • make lifesaving cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) to families so they can purchase food and household goods
  • establish and strengthen social protection programmes to provide a safety net to vulnerable populations
  • support communities’ environmental conservation activities, like providing solar energy for irrigation
  • support communities in prioritisation of key needs and invest in critical infrastructure such as farm-to-market roads, soil protection, water harvesting structures and solarised irrigation channels
  • provide smallholder farmers with access to improved seeds, fertilisers and irrigation systems to increase yields
  • provide livelihood training to empower farmers and other community members with new skills (for instance, farmers are trained to tackle diseases that can damage their crops)
  • promote vocational training and business development programmes to equip the population with the skills needed for employment


NRC Shelter and settlementsShelter and settlements

We provide shelter and access to essential infrastructure and non-food items to internally displaced people, refugees and vulnerable host communities in Somalia. Our teams:

  • construct and rehabilitate temporary/emergency, transitional and permanent shelters through cash and in-kind modalities and adopting owner-driven approaches whenever feasible
  • distribute non-food items (NFIs) through cash and in-kind approaches
  • prepare site/settlement plans and conduct training on site/settlement planning
  • construct and rehabilitate essential infrastructure, for instance roads, community centres, markets, schools etc.
  • co-chair the national shelter cluster at country level and regional cluster coordination groups


NRC Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)Water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH)

Lack of access to safe water and sanitation is a major driver of humanitarian needs in Somalia. Our teams:

  • construct household and community latrines including school sanitation facilities
  • construct and rehabilitate water systems for drinking water
  • promote sanitation and hygiene awareness
  • train communities in how to use and maintain hygiene facilities and waste management systems


BRCiS Consortium

brcis consortiumBRCiS is a humanitarian Consortium that takes a holistic approach to supporting Somali communities in developing their capacity to resist and absorb minor shocks without undermining their ability to move out of poverty. Read more at

Danwadaag Consortium

NRC is also part of the Danwadaag Consortium that aims at enhancing progress towards durable solutions for displacement affected communities in the urban areas of Banadir Regional Administration, Jubaland State and South West State of Somalia. It focuses on long-term solutions to displacement and connects them to urban development processes. For more information, visit the Danwadaag website.

About NRC in Somalia

International staff
Areas of operation
Mogadishu (Country Office), Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa, Hargeisa, Burao, Jowhar, Bossaso, Qardho, Galkayo, Garowe, Dhusamareb, Dollow, Luuq, Wajid, Hudur, Bardere
National staff


Country Director

Mohamed Abdi

