Fatma Ali used to live in Mayo, one of Khartoum’s most marginalized neighborhood and had to flee to Gedaref. She now lives in a school that was turned into a temporary displacement site. Ahmad Mahmoud / NRC

Sudan: one hundred days of war

Published 24. Jul 2023
A hundred days of war in Sudan have exacted a devastating toll on civilian lives and infrastructure, but the worst is yet to come. The country is on the brink of collapse, grappling with a series of crises that together are unprecedented.

Sudan was already facing an overwhelming and vastly neglected humanitarian crisis before the war broke out. The first 100 days fighting have brought it to catastrophic levels. Despite various ceasefires the conflict has persisted, bringing clashes and killings across the country. Thousands of lives have been lost, and countless homes and displacement camps have been reduced to ashes. At least 3.1 million people have fled within the country or across its borders. On top of the violence, Sudan also face the threat of rainy season floods and a looming hunger crisis.

Humanitarian organisations have worked tirelessly to provide assistance and protection. From the earliest days of the war, local responders have stepped in, bringing lifesaving aid to those displaced and those trapped. But access to people in need has been severely impeded. Today, the response requires a complete reset and restructuring to make it more relevant, effective and coherent with the needs on the ground.

A blend of first-hand observations from the ground, survivors’ testimonies and a literature review, this report reflects on the first 100 days of the war in Sudan. It is an urgent call for change and unwavering dedication to rebuilding the country's shattered hope. The international community has an essential role to play, especially demanding the protection of civilians and principled humanitarian action to reach those in need with the most timely and appropriate interventions possible.